Haneda Sake and Beer makers

Haneda Sake and Beer makers are located in Keihoku the neighboring district to Miyama and have been making Sake since 1893. Its a 25 minute drive and well worth it for anyone who has an interest in Alcohol and its production especially Japanese Sake. You have to book in advance but a member of staff will give you a guided tour of the factory including where they make the Sake, a 100 year old wooden building. This tour ends with a free beer and Sake tasting but it is customary to buy some alcohol to take home as well. The tour takes 40 minutes.


3 different types of beer are made in a micro brewery and a number of varieties of Japanese Sake. All made from high quality ingredients and as many as possible are sourced locally. They also grow their own rice for making Sake.

From the balcony in the beer garden

Chilled Sake

Inside the Sake factory

Spot Data

Haneda Sake and Beer Makers
Shimodai-20 Keihokushuzancho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture 601-0251

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